Simple and Slow Round Steaks

January 3, 2021 • 0 comments

Simple and Slow Round Steaks
Sear, sauté, then soak in something tasty. Slow and simple is good, especially served on a pile of cheesy mashed potatoes.
  • Prep Time:
  • Servings: 2-4


  • (1 or 2) Round Steak
  • (2 medium) Sliced Onion
  • (2 or 3 good sized) Sliced Carrots
  • (3-4 cloves) Crushed Garlic
  • (2 tsp) Celery Seeds
  • (1/4 Cup) Tomato Paste
  • (6 cups, more or less) Liquid (wine, beer, juice, broth)
  • Herbs (Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Fennell, whatever you want)
  • (To Taste) Salt and Pepper


Preheat oven, to 325 degrees. Heat a dutch oven over medium high heat and melt some fat or oil in the pan until hot. Add the round steaks together or one a time and sear each side for a few minutes each, until well browned. 

Reduce heat to medium. In 2-3 tablespoons of remaining fat cook onions, carrots, celery seeds, and crushed garlic, cook until onions are soft. Add some liquid (wine, beer, juice, broth) and deglaze, scraping up the browned bits. Add some herbs, tomato paste, 4-6 cups of liquid and season with salt and pepper. 

Add the steaks and more liquid if necessary to just cover them. Bring to a simmer, cover with a lid and put in the oven. Cook for about 2 hours, when the steaks have begun to shred apart.

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